How to avoid the Freshman 15

3 min read
The Freshman 15 refers to the 15 pounds students supposedly gain in their first year of college. Although, our athletes visiting the US will be keeping fit with their sport, it is important to look after your fitness in and out of the classroom. These tips should help you alongside your training to ensure you are at the top of your game! 1. Eat Breakfast The first meal of the day is the most important, as it sets you up for the day ahead by giving you the initial energy you need! You may be up at 5 or 6am for training before class - but you will soon burn out if you are not ensuring you are eating correctly from the start of your day.  Eating breakfast also helps to combat the cravings for snacks before lunchtime! 2. Drink plenty of water and avoid soda and alcohol! Now that you are at a US College, studying and training hard with the team - often in 80 degree heat - you must remember to keep hydrated!  Always carry a water bottle with you and fill it regularly at water coolers at college.  You need water to keep your brain active in class, which can be challenging after a hard morning work-out! Be wary of soda's and alcoholic beverages - even the diet varieties - which can often be loaded with sugar and calories! 3. Sleep! Getting a good nights sleep really does keep you healthy! If you are new to the college, you'll probably be experiencing a lot of changes, even the time difference may be a challenge at first.  Don't be tempted to stay up all night to catch up on studies or socialize with friends - you need your sleep to be on top of your game! 4. Be adventurous You are in a new and exciting country - try new things! Be especially adventurous with your food. Although America may have a reputation for being a junk food haven - the Americans know how to do great, fresh and healthy food.  Try new offerings on menus, especially seafood, and you will not only be eating right but you will be expanding your culinary tastes! Do not be weighed down by junk food! 5. Avoid the late night snacks! Even if you are training for 3 hours a day - you should still be conscious of what you are eating.  If you are studying late in the library, do not be tempted with those late night snacks - all they will do is lie in your stomach! Be prepared, and have healthy snacks like nuts and fruit, in your backpack for nibbling on throughout the day when you are too busy to stop for proper meals. Check out these tips from students at Columbia University:
Stick to these simple tips and you will be at your peak fitness and find you will have more energy for the field and can concentrate better in the classroom!

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